
Cheese Tasting Treat…

Christmas is on its way here at Bunkers Hill, but first is the arrival of our lovely Activities lady Kate, and her mobile cheese tasting trolley!

She has been travelling around each of the units at the home and delivering our residents some delicious savoury treats, and a variety of different flavours.

It’s a great way of exploring new tastes that our residents might not have tried before, as well as popular favourites which bring back nostalgia.


Lest We Forget……

Ever since the end of the First World War, the Armistice that ended those hostilities has been marked at the 11th hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month.

For the past week residents in our homes have been marking these occasions and will no doubt be watching with interest today. For many of them it rekindles personal memories and events of their life.

We will be doing everything we can to help them in this act of remembrance, and will be holding services and showing broadcasts throughout the weekend. It is important that we don’t forget the sacrifice of others, particularly at a time when hostilities are forming so much of a part in our daily news.

We hope you will join with us, and our residents in marking these important occasions.


Enjoy Bonfire Night this evening!….

Lots of people will be warming themselves in front of Bonfires tonight, and no doubt enjoying some amazing firework displays. We would always recommend attending an organised display, but if you have your own fireworks then please make sure you stay safe and always follow the instructions. Of course you might feel the need for a snack or two – toffee apples, roasted chestnuts, baked potatoes, sausages, and burgers all spring to mind.

However you spend your evening we hope you have a great time!


Happy Halloween!….

From everyone here at Bunkers Hill, we wish you all a happy and safe Halloween.

We hope tonight you are mindful of those that may experience some difficulties over this period, whilst many people would like to enter into the spirit of Halloween and enjoy trick or treating this evening, for some people this can be unsettling. Many of them will not be used to unscheduled visits to their door and so Halloween celebrations have, in the past, been a cause of concern.

Although they understand and appreciate the fun of Halloween they prefer not to be called upon by trick or treaters. We would ask that when you enjoy your Halloween fun, you respect any home that has a poster on the front door saying no to trick or treaters.

Have a great evening!


Wear it Pink….

Breast Cancer Now’s wear it Pink day is one of the biggest fundraising events in the UK. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and on Wear it Pink day thousands of amazing people wear it pink in their communities, schools or work places for the UK’s largest breast cancer charity, Breast Cancer Now.

If you can support this great cause today by wearing something pink (even if it’s only your PJs) that would be great.

Even better donate to a Breast Cancer research charity so that eventually everyone diagnosed with breast cancer lives, and is supported to live well. By wearing it pink, you can help us all get there.


Proud to support World Mental Health Day….

The overall objective of World Mental Health Day is to raise awareness of mental health issues around the world and to mobilise efforts in support of mental health. The Day provides an opportunity for everyone working on mental health issues to talk about their work, and what more needs to be done to make mental health care a reality for people worldwide. Here at Bunkers Hill we are determined to ensure that everyone’s mental health stays as good as it can be.

It has been shown that good mental health contributes to a happier and more productive environment – which has got to be good for everyone.


Hello October!

At Bunkers Hill Care Home, we’re excited to welcome the month of October with a calendar packed of fun and engaging activities for our residents! We’re looking forward to playing many fun games in the home and taking part in beneficial and enjoyable activities, and of course, who could forget what the end of the month brings with all the spook-tacular shenanigans we have planned for Halloween!

It is sure to be another great month at the home.


A Fantastic Summer Fair…..

Here at Bunkers Hill, we held our highly anticipated Summer Fair this past Saturday. It certainly did not disappoint, the weather was absolutely glorious and staff, residents, family and friends all enjoyed the BBQ. There was lots of singing and dancing as well as many great games such as naming the stuffed dog and, of course, the very popular raffle.

The bouncy castle was a huge success, we all wished we still had the energy of a child while watching children (and adults) give it a go!

A big thanks goes out to all that joined us and helped out, and a special thank you to Stacy, Shelly, and Sara who have worked hard over the last 2 weeks to make it happen – great work!


Come and Enjoy our Summer Fair…..

Save the date! On the 3rd of August Bunkers Hill will hold its Summer Fair from 2pm to 5pm. There will be lots of prizes up for grabs, food and drink and great music and entertainment. All we need is for the sun to shine and it will be the perfect afternoon.

Everyone is invited, with all funds raised going to our residents’ fund, we hope to see as many family and friends as possible!


Come and Enjoy our Summer Fair…..

Save the date! On the 3rd of August Bunkers Hill will hold its Summer Fair from 2pm to 5pm. There will be lots of prizes up for grabs, food and drink and great music and entertainment. All we need is for the sun to shine and it will be the perfect afternoon.

Everyone is invited, with all funds raised going to our residents’ fund, we hope to see as many family and friends as possible!