
What do we have here?…..

Our elf on a shelf has been caught in the act! We recently found her trying to climb the bannister in the home. Her mischievous antics have not slowed up at all, and we are sure that there will be more chaos as Christmas gets closer!


Taking the chaos outside!….

What have we here? Our Elf on a Shelf has decided to extend her havoc to the car park of the home. She took it upon herself to get onto one of the staff members cars and have little play around with the windshield wipers!

Her mischief knows no bounds.


Taking a Nap……

We recently caught our elf on a shelf asleep in one of the home bathrooms. Clearly all the mayhem and disruption has taken up a lot of energy!

We are sure that she will be up and causing chaos again in no time.


Lending a Helping Hand…..

Our Human Elf on a Shelf has, for once, been helping out around the home. Taking charge of the infection control and assisting the residents.

A rare occasion of festive support from our mischievous friend!


Kitchen Nightmare!…..

Our Elf on a Shelf took over the Bunkers Hill kitchen recently with her mischievous actions. She got to work ‘helping’ with some of the festive creations we have in store for Christmas, such as our lovely mince pies.

More fun and chaos on the way!…


Havoc in The Home!…….

Our Elf on a Shelf has been making herself extra busy in around Bunkers Hill for the past couple days. She’s been taking phone calls, climbing the bannister behind our tree as well as many more mischievous things that we’ll show you over the coming days.

The fun never stops!…


Keeping Watch…..

We recently caught our Elf on a Shelf outside the home having joined the neighbourhood watch. For the morning, she sat underneath our sign looking out for anyone that may need to be put on Santa’s naughty list – luckily no one dared to come close!


Making a Mess!….

Another case of our Elf on a Shelf causing havoc around Bunkers Hill, this time taking to one of the bathrooms – vandalising the mirror and using up an unnecessary amount of toilet paper!

A fair warning to anyone to watch out for this troublemaker


Up To No Good!……

Well it seems that our human Elf on a Shelf has picked up a new profession after moving on from the post office. She has somehow made her way into the ranks with the local police!

We sure hope that she can be of use to them and doesn’t cause chaos like she has with us so far!


Causing Mayhem…..

Want to know what our Elf on a Shelf has been doing recently? She has decided to take over from the postman for the day and deliver us our mail. It seems that she is taking over here at the home and initiating havoc all over the place.

Stay tuned for more festive antics from our end!